10 Things You Will Understand If You Are From LSR

By Youth24x7

1. College is not about fun. It is only about projects, research, assignments and more assignments. Despite this, the MAGIC OF LSR works upon each student from the orientation day itself.

Being in LSR, the perfect image of college to be an “all play no study” place is replaced by college being “95% study and 5% fun” place. Not to underestimate the enthusiasm that is shown by the college authorities for extracurricular activities.

2. The world believes that if you are from LSR, you must be a hardcore feminist.

No doubt feminism runs in the veins and arteries of LSR, but not each and every student here is a feminist. Those of us who are definitely take pride in being one.

3. Three facts about LSR:

• ID card is as valuable a possession as a diamond necklace.
• Bunking classes is a sin and being short on attendance a crime.
• LSR lawns resemble a picnic spot during the winters with half of LSR sitting there to take a sun bath.

4. We at LSR believe in STYLE not in FASHION.

This is so because fashion says “look at me, look at me” but style says “here I am”. LSR grooms every girl to be an independent woman right from the orientation day.

5. Whenever someone asks “Which college are you from?” LSR students proudly say LADY SHRI RAM COLLEGE and never do they reply by just saying LSR.

6. Our chilling and eating place is a CAFÉ and on no accounts can be called a CANTEEN

If someone calls it a canteen, she is immediately corrected and asked, never to use that work for our café.

7. Whatever all the other colleges might be doing, LSR always has a different path to take. LSR’s individuality is always maintained.

8. Trees are LSR’s integral part with LSR being one of the greenest campuses.

We do not have AC’s because we like the heat here at LSR. LSR is a very environment conscious college with its students actively participating in various community programs.

9. The sev puri wala bhaiya outside the college is the best quick bite place.

A short break from class and this is the place you can find anybody and everybody.

10. College election is a much awaited time of the year wherein the college is full of competitive spirit with various agendas hanging around, slogans being shouted and confrontations happening. LSR elections are like mini LS election with almost equal tension in the air among the students.

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