14 Principles of Management by Henri Fayol

By Youth24x7
14 Principles of Management by Henri Fayol

Henri Fayol, a French industrialist and mining engineer, developed an influential theory of management in the early 20th century. His 14 principles of management are considered a foundational framework for modern management practices.

Fayol’s principles focus on improving organizational efficiency and managerial effectiveness. He believed management had five key functions: planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling. His 14 principles align with these functions and provide managers guidance on everything from work processes to employee supervision.

While some principles may seem outdated today, they established a model of management still influential in organizations worldwide. Fayol’s 14 principles encourage high productivity, smooth operations, and workplace harmony. Let’s explore each principle in depth.

1. Division of Work

According to Fayol, employees are most efficient when their individual tasks match their skills and abilities. Managers should divide work operations into specific tasks and delegate them to qualified personnel.

Specialization increases output since workers gain expertise with specialized tools, processes, and repetitive tasks. Well-defined responsibilities also facilitate coordination between departments and employees.

2. Authority and Responsibility

Managers must have authority matching their responsibilities. Sufficient authority gives managers the resources and support needed to fulfill obligations.

Meanwhile, responsibility requires accounting for actions and decisions. Authority is only justified when coupled with an equal burden of responsibility.

3. Discipline

Discipline promotes obedience, proper behavior, and respect for rules. Fayol believed discipline results from good leadership, clear communication of rules, and fair penalties for violations.

Discipline is essential to an orderly, productive workplace. Employees must adhere to policies, procedures, and standards. Managers must apply discipline consistently and impartially.

4. Unity of Command

According to this principle, employees should receive orders from one manager only. Dual authority causes confusion and conflict.

Unity of command eliminates divided loyalties. Employees know exactly where to direct their efforts when they answer to a single manager.

5. Unity of Direction

All activities with the same objective should have one manager and one plan. Unity of direction enables diverse efforts to focus on common goals.

Without unified direction, operations suffer from miscommunication and misalignment. Fayol emphasized coordination is vital to productivity.

6. Subordination of Individual Interest

Organizational interests should prevail over individual interests. Employees must set aside personal preferences to cooperate toward shared objectives.

While recognizing legitimate employee needs, managers must ensure the organization’s welfare comes first. Synchronizing individual and organizational interests is key.

7. Remuneration

Employee compensation should be equitable and satisfy both the employee and the firm. Wages partly compensate labor while also providing satisfactory living conditions.

Fayol believed fair pay promotes retention and motivation. Financial and non-financial rewards should match effort and ability. Compensation should account for cost of living.

8. Centralization

Management must determine the optimal degree of centralization or decentralization. Some degree of centralization provides unity of direction and promotes common organizational goals.

However, decentralization enables flexibility, initiative, and quicker local decision-making. The optimal structure depends on the organization’s needs and circumstances.

9. Chain of Command

Authority flows from top management down the chain of command. Each manager reports to a superior and directs subordinates. Well-defined lines of authority depict organizational structure.

Respecting the chain of command balances authority and responsibility. Violating the hierarchy dilutes accountability and creates disorganization.

10. Order

Orderliness refers to the proper arrangement of materials and personnel. Order establishes optimal efficiency by allowing each resource to be utilized fully.

Managers should analyze activities and processes to remove bottlenecks and unnecessary steps. Organizing work systematically minimizes wasted time and effort.

11. Equity

Managers should demonstrate integrity, fairness, and justice in all dealings. Trust and respect require equitable treatment of employees.

Objective, unbiased interactions strengthen morale and commitment. Inequities in the distribution of rewards or sanctions create resentment and conflict.

12. Stability of Tenure

Stable tenure of personnel promotes knowledge retention and commitment. Organizations benefit from low turnover and long-tenured employees.

However, competence should not be sacrificed in favor of tenure. Dismissals and new hires must uphold performance standards and meet the company’s changing needs.

13. Initiative

Bright employees who demonstrate initiative should have the freedom to conceptualize and pursue new endeavors. Management should support reasonable risk-taking.

While exercising control, managers should allow employees discretion over daily tasks. Assuming responsibility on their own accord energizes employees.

14. Esprit de Corps

Esprit de corps refers to team spirit, pride, enthusiasm, and loyalty to the organization. Strong camaraderie boosts engagement, collaboration, and unity.

Managers should promote harmony and rapport through open communication, celebrations of shared success, and respect for all team members.

Key Takeaways

While some principles seem outdated, Fayol’s framework highlights important management concepts. His principles advocate specialization, authority, discipline, unity, fairness, initiative, and esprit de corps.

Fayol emphasized management’s coordination and oversight role. His principles offer guidelines to improve efficiency, communication, responsibility, order, and morale.

Though initially developed for managers, the principles remain broadly relevant. They provide useful considerations for organizational design and operations even today.


Q: What are the 5 functions of management according to Henri Fayol?

A: Henri Fayol identified 5 key management functions: planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling. His 14 principles relate to these functions.

Q: How are Fayol’s 14 principles of management applicable today?

A: Many principles remain relevant, especially unity of command, discipline, order, initiative, and esprit de corps. However, others seem outdated, like stability of tenure and equity. The principles are most applicable to hierarchical, bureaucratic organizations.

Q: Did Fayol develop his 14 principles through academic research?

A: No, Fayol based the principles on his hands-on experience as a successful business executive. The principles reflect practices he found effective.

Q: What criticisms do scholars have of Fayol’s principles?

A: Critics argue the principles overemphasize structure and control while neglecting creativity and employee wellbeing. Additionally, the principles were never systematically tested.

Q: Who would benefit most from studying Fayol’s 14 principles?

A: Aspiring managers and business leaders can gain valuable insights from Fayol’s principles. The principles are particularly beneficial for those managing complex organizations with many moving parts and chain-of-command structures.

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