12 Things Every Fresher Should Know About Life in Delhi University

By Youth24x7

As the admission process is going to begin at Delhi University soon, we bring to you a few things every fresher should know about life at DU.

Colleges here are not like the ones depicted in KJo’s movies!

Yes, the life offered here is a dream life for many but it is not always that rocking as depicted in our movies!

Everyone who appears polite is not your friend.

You will come across a number of persons during the admission process who will be polite to you but not all of them are your friends; you have to be extra careful dealing with people here; choose your friends wisely! You are nothing but a source to increase their vote bank during elections!

It is the mini version of the big bad world out there!

It is a glimpse into the real world! With cutthroat competition, manipulative people and not so appreciating contemporaries you can get a great idea of how the world is!

The protective environment provided by the school is something we cannot ask for from the university!
You will be all by yourself here. The faculty will not come to your rescue as they did back in the school. You will learn to protect yourself all on your own here.

You will develop as a person here!

You will realise that the person who entered this university is not the same person who is leaving, you will leave rich in experience!

You will find friends to die for.

You will find friends for life here. You can enjoy everything with them from a simple masala Maggie to big chill’s pasta!

You will come across each and every type of person here!

From hot dudes to not so “hawt” dudes(as they say it), from cute girls to girls who think they should dress up like it’s a wedding going on in the college(aka makeup ki dukan) you will find everyone here.

Delhi University is known for its sense of fashion.

Big bags, coloured pants, thumb rings, tattoos, and what not; you will find everything here! For the first time in your life, you will realise that your elder sister has actually started taking your suggestions seriously!

Some of the most famous personalities are a product of this University.

Some of you might not know this but some of the most famous people today are your super seniors! Shahrukh Khan is an alumnus of Hansraj college, Amitabh Bachchan studied in Kirorimal College and there are many more to add to the list.

The canteens of this university are the most loved places!

The canteen would be your favorite place if you are a food lover. Mouth watering chole bathure plate for 20 bucks, can you beat that? Canteens over the years have witnessed some of the everlasting friendships and love affairs!

And one word you should learn to use before entering here is “JUGAAD”

Come what may, people here have “jugad” for everything. Be it proxy or an arrangement of “sutta” they can do everything with that magical “jugad”.

Don’t take news flash too seriously.

And yes, everything you see in the news flash is not true; for instance, not all seniors practice ragging. Some of them can be really good and helpful; they will help you in your studies as well as in approaching that cute girl for friendship!

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