Rajasthan Interim Budget: Rs 1,000 Crore Allocation for Infrastructure Development and Employment Generation

By Youth24x7
Rajasthan Interim Budget

In a significant move towards development and employment generation, Rajasthan Finance Minister Diya Kumari unveiled key initiatives during the state’s interim budget announcement. Among the highlights was the allocation of Rs 1,000 crore to establish and upgrade vital infrastructure such as schools, colleges, hospitals, and administrative buildings across assembly constituencies.

Addressing the regional disparities in development, Kumari emphasized the need for balanced growth, particularly in areas like Ladpura, Nasirabad, Siwana, Ahor, Dag, and Malpura. The allocated funds aim to bridge these gaps by bolstering essential facilities and services.

Furthermore, the Finance Minister announced plans for the recruitment of 70,000 candidates to fill vacant posts across various sectors. This move not only aims to stimulate employment opportunities but also addresses the workforce requirements in the state.

Another noteworthy initiative unveiled during the budget announcement is the Mukhyamantri Jal Swavlamban Abhiyan-2. With a provision of Rs 11,200 crore, this project aims to create 5 lakh water harvesting structures in 20,000 villages over the next four years, highlighting the government’s commitment to sustainable water management.

Read: Uttar Pradesh Unveils Rs 1,000 Crore Scheme to Empower Youth Entrepreneurs in MSME Sector

Additionally, plans are underway for the expansion of the Jaipur Metro from Sitapura to Ambabari, aimed at easing traffic congestion in the bustling city. A detailed project report is set to be prepared to facilitate this expansion project.

During her speech, Kumari also criticized the previous government for financial mismanagement, corruption, and a lack of vision, attributing these factors to the state’s financial burden and the challenges faced by electricity companies.

The Finance Minister’s remarks sparked a heated debate in the House, prompting Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma to appeal for attentive listening to the budget speech delivered by a woman finance minister.

Looking ahead, a full budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 is scheduled to be presented in July. In the interim, under Article 116 of the Constitution, a vote on account is presented to meet essential government expenditures for a limited period until the budget is formally approved. This interim provision allows for the allocation of funds equivalent to one-sixth of the total estimates to ensure the smooth functioning of government operations.

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