How our PG became our second home

By Youth24x7

From ‘who stole my milk’ to dancing together on chaiyan chaiyan, PG life in Delhi has been something that is now ingrained in our system. When we first came to Delhi, the idea of living in a completely new environment was terrifying. (P. S. Delhi’s extreme weather conditions had no mercy on us.) The idea of interacting with new people, without having the comfort of home was disturbing.

Our entire lifestyle had been uprooted. We missed ‘ghar ka khana’ so much, and to what extent could we have survived on Maggi and ready-made food? Although, as the months passed by, we found our ground. The mundane room we moved into, now looks a little better, we learned how to fill the cracks of the wall with memories and the void in ourselves with PG mates albeit the constant giggles, tears and exclamations. We realized that home is all about burnt omlette, premonitions of our parents at 2 AM, that consoling look of our roomie during tough times and all about discovering ourselves.

We learned that it’s okay to mingle with some people and stay away from some. These two years gave us a share of all kinds of people, compelling us to learnt the art of adjustment. Somehow, we learned to accept the differences and overlook the flaws. From crazy games in our rooms, to guitar sessions and songs, to dancing on our favourite songs till 4 in the morning, to various cooking and eating sessions together, to merely laying down and murmuring to Kuhad’s songs – we learned to share love, momos, coffee and experimental burnt food.

PG life is something that you need to get used to. And believe me, eventually you do. And when you do, there is no place like it. Of course, perks of home are another aspect altogether and there is no competition to ‘ghar ka khana’, or the comfort and familiarity of your house, especially your bedroom. But, when you get to realize the existence of a family away from home, you start enjoying life in its own way. We get used to the prison-like food because we face all the obstacles together. We discover an entirely different aspect of ourselves and realize that independence and self – sufficiency has made a home in our starved systems. Our PG has become a home in this extravagant city and life can’t be more comfy!

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