The Saga of Chai and Delhi Winters

By Youth24x7
The Saga of Chai and Delhi Winters

Yes, of course we could get into a detailed and rational debate about chai and coffee but not today; today we talk only about how important the status of chai is in every Delhi-wala’s life. Although we can all agree on the romance of cigarettes and a cup of tea. When Delhi freezes and the visibility is at it’s lowest, we still somehow manage to find little happiness such as these.
We can spot chai lovers in several places of Delhi during winters, sitting with an over-boiled, sweetened concoction of cutting-chai, accumulating the steam on their glasses. Tea-sellers in Connaught Place roam around with huge kettles of tea, offering it to every person who is found sitting on the cold slabs of several blocks. On casual dates of the wintertime, after a long walk around the circular, Colonial architecture of CP, to warm hands with your loved one and drink tea from those vendors, is priceless. Obviously if you prefer warmer places, you can always head to Cha-Bar.
There are few ideas as perfect as reading a book in the warmth of your bed, with a mug of homemade tea. Maybe we have romanticized the idea to a certain extent but that does not take away the glory of this certain phenomenon which is enjoyed at its best when in Delhi during December.
It is my firm belief that college students have the utmost love for tea and all the obsession that comes along with it. Campus students are known to find at least one ‘tapri’ near their colleges where they can cherish conversations along with their glasses of chai.

I think it would be wise on the part of the reader to go and grab a cup of tea at this point because after this detailed discussion for the love of tea, I sure am craving a cup!

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